Monday, March 10, 2025
March 10, 2025

Advance referendum voting begins

Advance voting for the Salt Spring incorporation referendum begins today (Aug. 30).

Polls run from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Salt Spring Public Library and Community Gospel Chapel. The second advance poll is on Wednesday, Sept. 6 at the same places and times.

The question on the ballot is: Are you in favour of the incorporation of a Salt Spring Island Municipality? YES or NO?

Property owners and renters on Salt Spring Island may vote.

Qualified voters must be at least 18 years of age on Sept. 9, be a Canadian citizen, have resided in B.C. for the past six months and have resided on Salt Spring Island for the past 30 days.

Non-resident property electors (who own property on the island but do not live there) have different requirements. See the website for specific requirements for non-resident electors and also for mail-in ballot voting procedures (although time is running out for that process to work).

All voters must present some proof of identity at the poll, such as:

BC driver’s licence or BC driver’s licence and services card

BC ID card issued by the Motor Vehicle Branch

BC CareCard or Gold CareCard

Social Insurance Card (Canada)

Citizenship Card (Canada)

Real property tax notice (municipal or rural)

Credit card or debit card issued by a savings institution

Utility bill

Regular voting day is on Saturday, Sept. 9 with locations at Fulford Elementary School, Gulf Islands Secondary School multi-purpose room and Community Gospel Chapel on Salt Spring, and A.R. MacNeill Secondary School in Richmond, and Mary Winspear Cultural Centre in Sidney.

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