Spots are still available in a two-day Mental Health First Aid course that begins on Aug. 24 on Salt Spring.
The Salt Spring Community Health Society (SSCHS) is offering the training using a Mental Health Commission of Canada course. The registration deadline is Friday, Aug. 14.
“The need for this type of training was identified by front-line workers, service providers, and community members who participated in two COVID-19 Mental Health Roundtables in May,” said SSCHS president Jennifer Williams. “It was clear we needed to find ways to help community members address their personal and community-wide mental health concerns that are arising as a result of the uncertainties created by the pandemic and several recent, tragic deaths. It also aligns with the findings from our 2019 Community Health Needs Assessment, which highlighted our community’s greatest need: improved access to mental health supports and services.”
Individuals trained in the program:
· Increase their knowledge of signs, symptoms and risk factors of mental health problem;
· Decrease the social distance between themselves and someone with a mental health problem;
· Experience increased confidence in their ability to help someone experiencing a mental health crisis;
· Can identify professional and self-help resources for individuals with a mental health problem;
· Show increased mental wellness themselves.
Mental Health First Aid is made possible by grants from the Salt Spring Island Foundation’s COVID-19 Emergency Preparedness and Relief Fund, the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund, and a Grant-In-Aid from the Capital Regional District. An Aug. 27-28 session is already full.
For more information about Mental Health First Aid training and how to register, go to: