Saturday, September 7, 2024
September 7, 2024

Moving meditation of tai chi offers benefits

Salt Spring’s Taoist Tai Chi® group welcomes new people of all levels of experience to join them every Wednesday evening in the All Saints lower hall.

Taoist Tai Chi® teaches people that health comes when body, mind and spirit are one. Working on all aspects of the person, this moving meditation reduces stress and helps us find energy, balance and joy.

In Taoist Tai Chi® practice, strength comes when natural, soft movement penetrates and transforms every system and part of the body, from muscle to connective tissue to bones. This strength is also mental and emotional. As participants become more resilient, they experience less worry and struggle and are able to calmly meet whatever challenges life puts in their path.

The practice builds elasticity in muscles, tendons and fascia, which helps the body function naturally and allows it to move more freely. At the same time this flexibility extends to the mind, helping people feel freer, more balanced and more in harmony with those around them.

When strength and flexibility work deeper into the body, people discover the powerful effects of meditation. Stillness grows and the mind calms, becoming clearer and more dynamic. At first this feeling starts in the moving meditation of Taoist Tai Chi® practice but then deepens to penetrate and enrich all aspects of life.

For more information, people can phone 250-383-4103 or email

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