Saturday, September 7, 2024
September 7, 2024

New ER equipment fundraising goal smashed

The 33rd annual Lady Minto Hospital Foundation (LMHF) golf tournament was the most successful fundraising event to date, according to organizers, raising well above its initial goal and cementing plans to purchase a critical piece of medical equipment for the hospital’s new emergency department. 

That department is likely to open this fall as summer staffing pressures show some relief, officials have said, and the weekend’s tournament –– which had hoped to raise $35,000 to buy a new defibrillator crash cart –– blew the top off its “thermometer” to exceed $50,000 in donations. That was thanks in large part to local businesses “showing up in force,” according to LMHF executive director Eric Jacobsen, who said they came with cash, contributions for the live and silent auctions, and prize contributions. 

“I am just overwhelmed with gratitude,” said Jacobsen. “We are so grateful for the generosity and values of our community. We can all be extremely proud to live in a place where we so value taking care of each other.” 

Over 120 golfers were on the course Saturday, July 6, competing for trophies and enjoying a surprising cool breeze across Salt Spring’s golf course on an otherwise hot day, according to Jacobsen. Windsor Plywood and Country Grocer teamed up with exceptional presenting sponsorships, he said, with Windsor contributing $10,000 and Country Grocer –– and other plaza shops –– adding another $8,000 plus prizes, as well as an in-store contribution campaign that will continue until the end of next week, where shoppers at several stores can contribute to the hospital as part of their purchases. 

More than two dozen local businesses contributed cash through hole sponsorships and prizes for the silent and live auction, Jacobsen said, and the live auction alone raised over $4,000 –– through bidding on items like a chainsaw from Mid Isle Marine, a stay at the Hastings House, wood chipper rental from the Rental Stop, a basket of premium red wine from Upper Ganges Liquor Store and a relaxation package that included a massage and visit to the Arbutus Thermal Spa. 

“The dinner event was very lively,” said Jacobsen, “with heartfelt speeches from our major sponsors. Jess Harkema from Windsor Plywood and Robert Steinbach from Country Grocer spoke about the importance of Lady Minto Hospital in our community.” 

Cardiologist Dr. Larry Sterns also delivered a talk about the impact of the defibrillator being purchased, and how it will save lives on Salt Spring Island. Jacobsen said as well as that equipment, the additional money raised will allow a refresh of the palliative suite at the hospital, contributing to dignity and comfort at the end of life. 

“We’re fortunate to live where we can come together to do great things that benefit our island,” said Jacobsen. “To everyone who showed up –– the golfers, the local businesses –– you are pillars of our community. We did it!”

Salt Spring Golf and Country Club grounds crew member Rob Lynch.
Swing From the Heart golf tournament volunteers Linda and Gary Tremblay.
From left, juniors golfers Ryder Mills, Miles McHugh, Aidan Cutshall and dad Zak Cutshall on the course for the Lady Minto Hospital Foundation Swing From the Heart fundraising golf tournament.

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