The season of Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity for Anglicans on Salt Spring Island to share with the community their celebrations for the 30th anniversary of the dedication of All Saints by-the-Sea.
Some islanders may remember the Service of Blessing held on Oct. 9, 1994, for the new church, which, after more than a year of thought and preparation, had been transformed from the old St. George’s Church across the road to become the thriving hub of worship and creative activity it is today. Several days of celebration were shared with islanders at that time, including an evening of dance, a concert, a play, an ecumenical hymn sing and a dinner, all in thanksgiving for a project smoothly completed, which included over 30,000 hours of volunteer labour from the community.
From then on, regular worship services have continued, on Sundays and during the week. Appreciated for its ambiance and outstanding acoustics, the church is also a favourite venue for countless concerts. The halls are used by groups of all kinds, for community meetings, fitness and dance classes, bridge events and much more.
Visitors and islanders are invited to join in two weekends of anniversary celebrations. The first is on Saturday, Oct. 5, with an open house in All Saints from 2 to 4 p.m., where some of the history of the move will be visible in photo displays, together with highlights of subsequent creative endeavours. Light refreshments will be available.
Also on Saturday the 5th, at 2:30 p.m., there will be a concert in the church, featuring music, song and dance performed by Friends of All Saints who have contributed to concerts offered throughout the past 30 years, continuing the tradition of many afternoons of enjoyable entertainment, all accompanied by choir director and pianist David Storm. Admission is by donation and patrons should note the performance will be videotaped.
The celebrations will continue on Sunday, Oct. 13 at 10:30 a.m. with a service of Holy Eucharist for Thanksgiving in All Saints followed by a light lunch.