As we go into what looks like a gorgeous long weekend, the medical staff have a few concerns.
Please celebrate virtually. It is imperative that we all continue to practice social distancing over the long weekend and not be lulled into a false sense of security.
We would like to thank the Salt Spring Community Market Society for making the difficult decision to postpone opening of the market until after the long weekend, so as not to send a contradictory message. The Farmer’s Market will open, as it is an essential service, but at a more suitable time.
We are aware that BC Parks have closed. If you have private outdoor space, please stay there. If you need to go outside and have no yard, there are more than 20 other public spaces to visit on Salt Spring, listed here:
A reminder that the Provincial Medical Health Officer will not be naming individual communities with positive tests for Covid-19. There is a risk of providing a false sense of security if a community is not named as the site of a positive test result. We must act based on the assumption that the virus is present on Saltspring. The pandemic is having unintended health consequences for many people. Please do not be scared to come to the hospital or call your doctor if you are ill or have symptoms of concern.
Finally, we are so grateful to those who have sent messages of thanks to our hospital staff and other front-line workers. Having the support of the community means so much to those providing essential services. So please enjoy the beautiful weather, get out in the garden, go for a walk, but break the curve NOT THE RULES. Thank you to everyone for doing your part. A 7 p.m. honk to everyone in the community