July 27, 1921 to June 20, 2014
Our ‘Chief’ is gone but with many decades of industry, accomplishments, experiences and successes to support his journey: a winemaker, farmer. machinist, marine engineer, fisherman, sailor, mechanic, electrician, builder, plumber… His final months at home followed a stroke and long stay in Victoria General Hospital. Special thanks for the support given by his doctors: Dr.Paul Keith and Dr. Jean Maskey, his wonderful VIHA nurses, especially Carmel MacDonald and caseworker Cindy Flood, physio support especially Wanda McColl and MT Jim Maxwell, and the host of terrific ‘Beacon Support Workers’ especially Patty, Chris, Melissa, James, Fabriola, Annabelle, Clarissa, Shelley and Allyssa. Thank you also to Debra, Hugh & Karen, Heather & Brenda, June & Simon, Arthur & Edna, May & Betty and especially to Shirley and Doug. Compassionate and steadfast live-in support, shepherding throughout long nights, was given most professionally and lovingly by Charmilene Cabande to whom we have both been very grateful. To George Hartshorn, Darren, Ben & Chris, Rob, Elizabeth, Margot and brother Tom and so many others, who helped to transform our bungalow into a first class home for convalescing, we are very grateful! Many family and friends were able to visit frequently and made his last 7 months at home gratifying and supportive. To you all…many, many thanks. On his birthday in July, you may find us near his fishing haunts at Beaver Point, rowing his canoe out and wishing him a final farewell. No service by his request.