Finbar McMillan
Dec. 21, 1952 – Nov. 7, 2014
Finbar loved life and learning, and was always up for an adventure that involved the great outdoors. He taught us about the West Coast, by identifying mushrooms and discovering hot springs or leading hikes for yet another magnificent view from Mt Erskine on Saltspring or sharing photos of the Cameron Range on Haida Gwaii. He could repair an engine so it purred, designing the tool to do it, if needed; was an expert fisherman and captain; as Key Grip thrived on the creative collaboration of making movies with his peers and co-workers in IATSE, local 891; and was a master chef in his own kitchen, cooking feasts while listening to great music. He could hunt and build and love and play…supporting his family and friends with generosity of body and soul, a practical helping hand, patience and a wry sense of humour.
A strong and gentle man, Finbar was the quintessential island boy, part farmer and mechanic, part hippie and artist. He is loved by all who knew him on Saltspring, Nanaimo, Vancouver, Victoria, Cortes, Lasqueti, California, Haida Gwaii…
Predeceased by his parents, Peter and Mary, he is survived by his loving sister, Janice (Steve) and neice Caitlin; brother, Ranald; daughters, Lauren and Patrice and wife, Sue and a very big extended family!
Finbar was a wild fish habitat advocate. He fed us well, respecting the limited bounties of the sea.
Donations gratefully accepted by Island Stream and Salmon Enhancement Society, 250-527-7580
Many thanks to Haywards Funeral Service, the doctors, nurses and support staff at Lady Minto, Royal Jubilee and Vancouver General Hospitals, the BC Cancer Agency, Inspire Health, the Gerson Therapy and Bloch Institute, among many other alternative health practitioners and friends and family who offered so much valuable knowledge, support and great food.
There will be a potluck celebration of his life on Saltspring Island, on Monday, December 22nd, at Beaver Point Hall, to be confirmed.