BALINT, Leslie Frank
We sadly announce the death of our father Leslie Frank Balint, June 27, 2012. He was 86 years old and liked to boast that he was the oldest cyclist on Salt Spring. He cycled almost daily from his home at the top of Cranberry Road to Ganges until a crash this winter broke his wrist, and since then he has made the trip on foot. He emigrated from England with our mother Claire (d. 1987) in 1956 and spent many years in the Toronto area. He then moved to Cobourg and Kingston Ontario until he finally fulfilled a lifelong intention to settle on the West Coast in 2010. Frank trained as a photographer but worked as a designer and carpenter most of his life. Always generous and caring, he was very physically active and justifiably proud of his fitness which he attributed to his vegetarian diet. He had a lifelong involvement in activism and social issues and enjoyed the solidarity of the Unitarian Church which shared many of his passions. He will be missed by his sons Sean (Jennifer) and Jeremy (Sarah) and grandchildren Maia, Aisha, Graeme, Noal, Weston, Jessa and Tahlea.