By Lady Minto Hospital Medical Staff Association
Our efforts are working to flatten the curve, but international experience shows we cannot let up those efforts without putting many people at risk. Lately, we’ve been looking to the south where people are protesting these guidelines and demanding that the economy be restarted. What we really see are people with a complete disregard for those at risk, particularly for workers who literally put their lives at risk daily to care and provide for others. Most of the population remains susceptible to this virus and so we must proceed cautiously as we attempt to reduce some of the restrictions on our daily life. More testing will allow us to track and contain cases and this will be made available very soon. We will post instructions regarding access to testing in the coming days.
Many people have been asking about the use of masks. Cloth masks protect others from the wearer’s droplets. As more and more information becomes available about people without symptoms shedding the virus, a cloth mask is advisable if you will be in a situation where you are unable to maintain the appropriate distance of two meters. Remember that masks are only one part of the transmission reduction strategy and hand washing is vitally important. Please see this detailed FAQ on masks for more information:
Once again we want to thank all members of our community for their support. This is not only for all the well wishes, pot banging, and treats sent to Lady Minto, but also for following the guidelines and staying home. Thank you for helping to keep everyone in the community safe!
Finally, please remember that your family doctor is open for business. Call them or book online if you need an appointment.