Salt Spring RCMP have issued the following press release regarding the wearing of masks in retail spaces.
“Local retailers on Salt Spring Island have been the subject of ridicule and abuse as they ensure that masks are worn by patrons entering their store.
“Presently, the wearing of masks is mandated by the province and retailers are merely following the rules to keep patrons and their staff safe. Businesses have the responsibility due to the recent public health order to ask their patrons to wear face coverings or non medical masks while on premises and to refuse service for non‐compliance.
“Individuals have the right not to attend the business if they decide not to wear a protective mask to help prevent the spread COVID‐19. We highly encourage everyone to respect provincial health orders for their safety and the safety of others.
“Although we would hope not to issue violation tickets, people found in contravention can be fined $230 for abusive or belligerent behaviour and/or failure to wear a face covering (mask).
“Salt Spring RCMP Sgt. Clive Seabrook pleads, ‘Please respect our local retailers as they try to remain open during these difficult times and respect the rule of law. They are doing so to provide services to all of us and employ local people in a number of local industries amidst this pandemic.’
“Please, be kind and respectful to one another during these trying times.”