Friday, January 3, 2025
January 3, 2025

New island cycling map released


Island Pathways is pleased to announces the completion of their new cycling map called Salt Spring on Wheels.

The map is a companion to their Salt Spring on Foot hiking map that was launched two years ago and sold out almost within its first year. Maps are for sale in newly designed and hand-crafted wooden map holders in many locations around town. With these two maps in hand any resident or visitor can plan a full and active time on our island and have the most accurate road map available.

For over 20 years Island Pathways has produced a map that started out as a “heritage/cycling” map. Four years ago the IP Board made the decision to make two maps: a desperately need comprehensive hiking map and a cycling map that would include all the Salt Spring roads with a street finder index, as well as suggested cycling routes and information.

Salt Spring roads can be narrow and meandering, which is a part of their rural charm, but when travelled by bicycle require caution. Much of the included information is intended to aid cyclists in planning a cycling experience on Salt Spring that will match their abilities, experience and expectations. Hopefully this map will assist cyclists to plan ahead and make the best decisions they can. Included are route descriptions, route profiles giving elevations, slope and lengths, chevrons indicating locations of major hills, photos illustrating a variety of roads and safety tips.

Island Pathways is a registered charity that relies on grants, donations and its volunteers for all its projects. This map is no exception. 

“We can’t thank the CRD active transportation department enough for giving us a Active Transportation and Healthy Communities People Power Program grant, and  the 100+ Women Who Care for their extremely generous donation,” said map committee member Jean Gelwicks. “Maps are costly to produce and print and we could not have done this map without these supporters.” 

They also thank map committee volunteers Gary Gagné, Jean Gelwicks, Brenda Guiled, Charles Kahn, Peter Lamb, Bob MacKie, Peter Meyers and Wendy Webb, and their graphic designer Pat Walker for going beyond her “job description.”

Anyone interested in purchasing a map can find them at many locations around town. They can also be ordered online by going to the Island Pathways website. All proceeds go towards Island Pathways programs and projects and to regularly updating and printing their maps.

The next map committee task is updating Salt Spring on Foot and getting it on the shelves as fast as possible.

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