Viewpoint: From Phoenix to the Hearth



In the Oct. 2 edition of the Driftwood, the Chuan Society commented on our ongoing efforts to negotiate a provisional arrangement with the CRD for the temporary use of the now-decommissioned Phoenix School.

The proposal was twofold: one was for a potential winter warming space, and the other was to operate a community space/neighbourhood house which would also serve as a much-needed daytime warming centre if needed during the winter months.

Negotiations have been ongoing since then, and at the most recent LCC meeting on Oct. 17 we received news that the former Phoenix School site was off the table for the immediate future; it was decided instead to offer the Chuan Society access to a room at the currently CRD-operated SIMS building.

Though we would have appreciated the greater capacity the Phoenix site would have afforded us, if the SIMS offer is confirmed then the island has at least potentially gained a forward advance in having a winter daytime drop-in and resource centre for a number of community members during our most challenging months. While this is still a yet-to-be finalized process, the prospects are looking a little more promising for the oncoming season.

The proposed operative name for this space is the Hearth. A “hearth” is defined as:

1: a brick, stone, or concrete area in front of a fireplace; 2: home (“they longed for the comforts of hearth and home”) and 3: a vital or creative centre.

For those without access to resources that some might take for granted — namely warmth and a dry space to shelter and connect with others — the Hearth aims to address these needs and also operate as a point of contact for the redistribution of much-needed resources (food, clothing, and other materials), as well as serve an expanded function as a place of activities and culture, where art-making, serving food, and hosting talking circles, film screenings and community discussions can all flourish under one roof.

It is hoped that by the end of winter next year this process can continue and be expanded at the soon-to-be-reactivated former Phoenix School. But until then we will wait for the RFPs to be called for and submitted for review, in a process that is public and transparent.

At the same time we cannot help but underscore that many of us feel — whatever is finally decided for the site — that the former Phoenix School would best serve as a continuing community resource, a hub that has the potential to deepen relationships and connect islanders in a way that is needed now — more than ever — at a time when the market increasingly constricts the availability and access to prospective community-enriching spaces and resources.

Until then, the Chuan Society will invite community engagement and support in the running of the Hearth when we confirm an agreement with the CRD for the proposed space at SIMS. As with our other projects, we welcome the community to join us as partners and co-creators in our project, to actively make change (and make friends) while exploring opportunities for social transformation from the ground up.

Upon confirmation of the space we will also begin fundraising to cover the operational and personnel costs of the Hearth. For this and other inquiries we can be reached at To speak more directly about becoming involved please reach out to me at


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