Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

Bloom Trust donates and adds matching offer for Reginald Hill campaign

The Susan Bloom Trust is once again making a big difference to fundraising efforts on Salt Spring Island by supporting the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) Reginald Hill campaign.

The NCC announced Wednesday that trustees of Bloom’s estate have pledged to contribute $150,000 directly to the project, and to match all donations made by others starting Dec. 15, up to an additional $150,000.

A total of $500,000 is needed by Jan. 31, 2023 to finalize the $7-million purchase of 400 acres of land on the south end of Salt Spring.

“We are so honoured to receive this gift,” said Krista Sheppard, senior director of development and communications with the NCC in a press release. “Susan has left an incredible legacy for nature and for the island community that she called home. She was always bold and encouraging about getting conservation done. It’s heartwarming to see her continue to encourage others to support conservation, even though she is no longer with us in person.”

Anyone wishing to help conserve Reginald Hill can make a donation online at or reach out to

A long-time Salt Spring resident and quiet philanthropist, Susan Bloom died Dec. 6, 2021. Since her death, conservation-related donations announced by her estate include $100,000 to the Islands Trust Conservancy, an undisclosed amount through the Salt Spring Island Foundation to secure the 75-acre Salt Spring Community Park acquisition on Mount Maxwell and support for the Salt Spring Island Conservancy’s campaign to preserve the Creekside Rainforest. One of her last major giving acts while alive was an anonymous $1-million donation to the Lady Minto Hospital Foundation’s emergency department campaign, allowing her name to be attached to the donation posthumously.

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  1. Thank you very much to the Susan Bloom Trust & to all who support this awesome project !!! I plan to donate the bulk of my share of the proceeds to helping poor children in third world countries. Nancy Beach, co-owner


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