The Capital Regional District and North Salt Spring Waterworks District are working with Innova Strategy Group in gathering input on a review of the operation, administration and governance of Salt Spring Island’s water services.
The coordinators say local feedback is important in shaping the future of water service delivery on Salt Spring and collaborating around water decision-making, roles, responsibilities, gaps, and challenges of the current public water service model. The survey is the opportunity to participate and share feedback up until April 6.
Currently CRD water service delivery is carried out by multiple agencies, including the CRD, NSSWD, other smaller improvement districts and private utilities, making it difficult to achieve economies of scale and a coordinated approach to water service delivery. NSSWD owns and operates two water treatment and distribution systems that provide water to approximately 5,500 people. The CRD owns five different water systems, two of which they operate themselves and three others that are operated by NSSWD under contract. Two other water improvement districts (Scott Point and Mt. Belcher) and one private water utility (Erskine Water Society) contract with NSSWD to operate their water systems as well. Harbour View Improvement District is operated by residents of that district.
The online survey is available here.