The Salt Spring Island Parks and Recreation Commission has released its plan for reopening the Saturday market, which will include new protocols and a limited capacity for vendors and visitors.
According to a CRD press release, since July 16 the CRD has allowed up to 20 vendors to purchase park use permits to set up in Centennial Park ahead of a new market coordinator starting her position on Aug. 1. On Saturday, July 25, 11 vendors were in attendance and a similar number the Saturday before that.
Starting Saturday, Aug. 8, the market will open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in a limited capacity.
“We will be increasing from the current 20 vendor cap as we continue to assess distancing requirements and other safety protocols,” Salt Spring Parks & Rec general manager Dan Ovington told the Driftwood on Tuesday. “The number of available spaces will also depend on the sizes of the vendor booths that have booked. Some vendors have four-foot booths and some have 10-foot booths.”
The market is planned to operate on Saturdays until Oct. 31, with an overflow market on Fridays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. for those vendors that cannot be accommodated on Saturdays. Spaces will be allocated based on product variety and seniority.
Inquiries regarding the market can be directed to
Salt Spring Saturday Market is a real joy! It’s been wonderful to enjoy our island’s bounty in the Park these past couple of Saturdays! Looking forward to more of life’s pleasures the rest of this season.
Regarding the announcement put out by PARC/CRD, wondering what amounts to “overflow” exactly? And what really is their definition of “limited capacity” and “modified protocols”?
Bonnie/Dr. Henry, our Chief Provincial Health Officer, the BCCDC et al have shown markets the way to operate happily and safely for months now. They, as well as such groups as the BC Farmers’ Markets org, make things public and clear to do. There have been no changes to BC gov protocols and standards for public/farmers markets since May of this year. Will SSI PARC/CRD follow the existing gov guidelines – or are they saying they want to “modify” what markets all over BC have been following since April/May of this year?
Also wondering – SS Tuesday Market submitted a single Covid19 Safety Plan to cover all vendors (using the WorkSafe BC template) and received PARC/CRD approval. Apparently the Saturday Market is asking each vendor to submit an individual plan – an approach inconsistent with other markets in BC, and even here on our own island. It can be curious how things happen, and don’t happen, here on our lovely isle.
p.s. to make things most simple – it can be noted that the WorkSafe BC template can be used for any enterprise – from jewellery or veggie sales, to a hair salon. The vendor/business need check off those boxes that apply to their operation. The Tuesday Market folks have used this – they checked all boxes and were approved. So, even if each vendor is asked by PARC/CRD to submit a plan, (there is no requirement for pre-approval of such plans under any gov edict), everyone can use the template for operating in BC and check those boxes applicable to their individual circumstance – it is found @