Saturday, September 14, 2024
September 14, 2024

CRD rolls out local active transportation survey

Input sought on pedestrian, bicycle network

If you walk or wheel on Salt Spring, the Capital Regional District (CRD) wants to hear from you.

An online survey is open until midnight Oct. 24, as part of an island-wide planning process to create a new Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP) for Salt Spring Island. Active transportation refers to human-powered forms of travel, from walking and wheelchair travel to biking and skateboarding, fully or part-way to and from a destination or bus stop.

The ATNP will focus on both walkability in Ganges as well as active transportation connectivity island-wide, according to the CRD, in an effort to develop options to improve safety, accessibility and convenience. 

The online engagement stems from a community consultation held at an Ideas Fair during the Saturday Market in August, and seeks to identify current active transportation network, conditions and gaps. Information provided during the process will inform a list of actions, recommendations, and top priorities; a second survey will be available later this fall, according to the CRD, where islanders will be asked to provide feedback on those draft actions, recommendations and priorities.

When complete, Salt Spring Island’s ATNP will identify a small number of priority projects which will inform the budget and planning work for funding applications; the ATNP will build upon the 2013 SSI Pedestrian and Cycling Master Plan, and will be informed by learnings from the Ganges Village Area Plan process.

To participate in the survey, share ideas, and provide input through an interactive map, visit the website: before 11:59 p.m. Monday, Oct. 24.

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