Salt Spring residents who are concerned about pipeline projects and increasing tankers in local waters will participate in a National Day of Action this Friday, March 23.
Events protesting Kinder Morgan and its Trans Mountain project are planned in cities all over the country on Friday. The local event coordinated by Save the Salish Sea Salt Spring will start at 12 noon at Centennial Park. People are invited to “learn about ways to support actions on Burnaby Mountain, get involved in divestment campaigns and show their support for initiatives that move in a positive direction away from reliance on fossil fuels to power communities.”
Gary McNutt, a member of Save the Salish Sea Salt Spring, reports that 90 Salt Springers participated in a protest march with thousands of people up Burnaby Mountain on March 10. The islanders were recognizable among the sea of thousands as many were carrying distinctive southern resident orca whale “puppets,” meant to represent the threat the pipelines pose to the endangered wildlife species.
For more on this story, see the March 21, 2018 issue of the Gulf Islands Driftwood newspaper, or subscribe online.