Saturday, September 14, 2024
September 14, 2024

Salt Spring Fire Board Brings on New Trustees, Appoints New Chair

The Salt Spring Island Fire Protection District (SSIFPD), the body which oversees the island’s fire department, has a number of new faces on its board. 

Rollie Cook became the fire board’s new chair after Per Svendsen stepped down from the role at the district’s annual general meeting held Nov. 22. Cook has been a trustee since 2017. 

“[Svendsen] has done an admirable job stepping into the breach when things were not so smooth. I think Per deserves a great deal of respect and our thanks,” Cook said, upon taking on the role of chair. 

Also stepping away from the board at the end of his term is Howard Holzapfel. Since June, Wynona Cook had filled a trustee seat that was due to expire this year.

The three vacant seats were filled by acclamation after a call for trustee nominations ended Oct. 22, with results announced on Monday night. Wynona Cook returns to the board, together with new trustees Robert Oliver and Elizabeth Zook. All three are set to serve three-year terms. 

They join existing trustees Rollie Cook, Andreas Gedeon, Mary Lynn Hetherington and John Wakefield. 

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