Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

Salt Spring Fun Fair replaces in-person fall fair

The 2020 Salt Spring Fall Fair might be cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic, but the Farmers’ Institute isn’t letting the year go by without celebrating the island’s rural and agricultural roots in some fashion. 

The institute is inviting people of all ages to take a photo of themselves with their exhibit — one they would have entered in the fair if it was happening — and to email it to People should include their name and a one-line description of their entry, i.e. “Bob Smith – My first cabbage,” or “Oh no! My carrot has three legs!” Youth entrants can add their age as well.

Youth could send a photo of themselves with their pet or a project they make this summer.

The sections and classes will be any that apply to a normal Salt Spring Fall Fair. For reference see last year’s catalogue at Suggestions are horticulture, hobby arts, crafts, livestock, pet parade, youth projects, etc. Entries are unlimited but only one entry per class is accepted. No entry fees apply.

Entries will be accepted between July 8 and Sept. 1.

Judging will not take place, so quality is not a factor. Six winners will be determined by a random draw of photos received, with a blue ribbon and a $50 gift certificate awarded to each of those winners.

As many photos as possible will be showcased in a special Gulf Islands Driftwood publication on Sept. 25, where the six winners will also be announced.

Farmers’ Institute board member Marguerite Lee explains the origins of the fun fair idea: “Every two weeks I have a Zoom meeting with the other fairs in B.C. We brainstorm ideas that will keep the spirit of the fairs alive but adapt to our situations. We don’t have the technical skill to do an online fair so this seemed like a fun idea. People could enter without the need to be judged and it would keep the the island participating. I had dozens of emails suggesting putting photos online to be shared, so this is our idea for a Fun Fair not our Fall Fair.”

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