Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

Television, streaming content and soccer at Forum’s John Doyle evening

Salt Spring Forum members look forward to welcoming John Doyle, The Globe and Mail’s television critic and soccer writer, to Salt Spring Island.

Doyle will appear at ArtSpring on Sunday, Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. to share his opinions on: The Golden Ages of Television and Soccer. Are They Over? Or Have They Just Begun?

Doyle writes about television and streaming services in his regular columns, thus influencing what millions of Canadians choose to watch. He is a Rotten Tomatoes “Top Critic.”

Doyle also writes about soccer for The Globe and Mail and, from time to time, The Guardian and The New York Times. He has covered a number of World Cups and is the best-selling author of The World is a Ball: The Joy, Madness, and Meaning of Soccer.

Television and especially streaming services play an ever-increasing role in our lives, our society and our economy. The month-long World Cup later in November is expected to have a global television audience of five billion people.

Soccer and television, two of the world’s biggest businesses, are turning the “Beautiful Game” into one that is coached, played, refereed and presented for a television rather than a live audience.

How much control do we have over what we watch? Are streaming services eroding our sense of community? Is having more choice better, or worse? Is soccer still a game, or has it become something else?

Described by his own newspaper as “always argumentative,” Doyle is perfect for an entertaining Salt Spring Forum discussion about art, culture, sport, technology and the influence of money on the things that we love.

The audience are invited to join the discussion by asking Doyle their own questions on anything from what to watch this fall on television to what Canada’s chances might be in the World Cup in Qatar this November.

Tickets are available from the ArtSpring website and box office.

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