The deadline for Islands Trust area residents to provide feedback about the Trust’s proposed 2020-21 budget, which has a climate-action focus, is Sunday, Feb. 9.
The Trust would like to hear especially from more Salt Spring Island residents, especially since the online survey contains questions about support for the Salt Spring Island Watershed Protection Alliance.
The $8,180,478 budget is based on the assumption the Islands Trust will maintain existing service levels and implement the following Islands Trust Council Strategic Plan climate-action initiatives:
• map the extent of eelgrass throughout the Trust Area
• develop a regional freshwater strategy
• review foreshore policies and bylaws, and develop a model policy
• develop climate change, demographic, and environmental indicator data sets
• test and develop the potential to broadcast public meetings
• develop and implement a climate change-focused stewardship education program
• continue the Policy Statement Amendment Project, which includes consideration of climate change related policies
• continue Coastal Douglas-fir protection by some local trust committees as part of their climate action mitigation work
The survey can be accessed at