Monday, June 17, 2024
June 17, 2024

Vandals keep hitting Ganges

Ganges business owners and other facilities have faced a wave of property damage over the past month, with broken windows, stolen plants and discarded beer cans leaving community members angry and frustrated.

Located at one of the busiest downtown corners, El Loco Taco has been among those hardest hit. Company president Larry Gorrill said it started three weeks ago when one person apparently went on a rampage. His restaurant suffered broken windows and planter boxes then, but has been impacted about five times altogether this season.

“Somebody broke my cactus — they broke one of the arms off. Hopefully it will survive,” Gorrill said. “It’s unbelievable. I’m trying to make this place nice.”

Gorrill said the latest activity took place sometime Saturday night. Planter boxes were overturned, while beer cans left behind suggest the site has become a party spot.

Other locations have also been targeted more than once. Police responded to a mischief complaint at the Visitors Information Centre on Thursday. A window at the business had been smashed overnight — the second time in recent weeks. Anyone with information on those two incidents is asked to contact Const. Belton of the Salt Spring RCMP, or to contact CrimeStoppers if wishing to remain anonymous.

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