Thursday, September 19, 2024
September 19, 2024

Viewpoint: Trust Council actions still alarming


for Friends of the Gulf Islands Society 

The Islands Trust was created by the provincial government in 1974 to protect the Gulf Islands from overdevelopment. It was given authority over land use with the legislated mandate to “preserve and protect the Trust Area and its unique amenities and environment.”

The Friends of the Gulf Islands Society is alarmed that elected trustees acting together as Trust Council have interpreted “unique amenities” to include “housing, livelihoods, infrastructure and tourism.” This new interpretation of the Islands Trust mandate gives development equal consideration or even priority over environmental protection, considering the Trust more like a local government than a conservation-oriented “trust.”

The elements named can in no way be considered unique. We are shocked this erroneous interpretation was decided on during a closed meeting last September, with no way for the public to hold their elected trustees accountable on how they voted. This de facto redefinition was described in Trust documents as a “consensus” but that seems highly unlikely given the voting record of some trustees. However, Salt Spring Trustee Laura Patrick, whose actions imply support for this interpretation, refuses to say how she voted.

Legal opinions can be discussed in closed meetings, but the political debate to arrive at an interpretation of the mandate should have taken place in an open meeting. We have sent letters to the Trust asking for an explanation, but have not received answers. Our next step will be to take a complaint of inappropriate procedures to the provincial Ombudsperson.

This definition matters because it will likely guide development of the new Trust Policy Statement, the critical document that sets requirements for all Islands Trust bylaws. Even now, the new interpretation may influence decisions of local Trust committees on various islands and of the Executive Committee.  

Democracy is in danger when important decisions are arrived at behind closed doors and elected representatives cannot be held accountable.

If you want to express your concern, write to Trust Council at  

The Friends of the Gulf Islands is a society dedicated to protecting the natural environment, surrounding waters and rural character of the Gulf Islands. Our goal is to ensure that the Islands Trust fulfills its legislated mandate: to protect the environment and truly unique amenities of these beloved islands. 

To learn more about Islands Trust issues, our society and to join our group and receive regular updates about Islands Trust activities, see our website at  

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  1. If you are “dedicated to protecting the natural environment, surrounding waters and rural character of the Gulf Islands,” then you must address all the traffic now happening on the island. And it will get worse each year.


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