Jody Slakov
1928 – 2021
Mom died September 3rd at age 93 with Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) at home, on her own terms.
She was fiercely independent, stubborn, interesting, unique, and loyal. But above all, she loved her family. Her caring and concern sometimes spilled over into worry, but that never stopped her from wanting us to live life to the fullest.
She also loved nature, and planted trees wherever she lived, first in Vancouver and then on Saltspring for the past 20 years.
Mom knew, firsthand, how fleeting life can be, and how quickly the underpinnings of our world can evaporate. It was wrenchingly hard to say good-bye, and yet our last days together were filled with joy, laughter, wonderful meals and memories to treasure.
She is survived by her five kids and their families, including 11 grandchildren.
We are grateful for everyone who enriched Mom’s life, including those who fought for end of life rights.
Since Jody was passionate about protecting a healthy future for her family and all beings, donations to the Land Conservancy in her honour, or simply working to protect forests and plant trees are good ways to honour her passing.
“For all that has been, thanks,
For all that is to come, yes!”